Reading your Fingertips

This is directly related to my previous post, Diving into a Digital Persona.

After playing around with Cython and fprint in Python3’s terminal, I found some combinations of commands that provided meaningful (and cool) results.

Initializing the device with the following code…

import fprint

… should prepare the program to accept commands. The first step is to tell the library to find available devices, and is done with…

devices = fprint.DiscoveredDevices()

Now the devicescode> variable hopefully has an object containing the available devices. Unless you have more than one, the following code should put your device object into another variable:

devices = devices[0]
device =

… and now device is assigned to the device, ready to accept commands!

The following snippet should save a binarized file to a user-defined location:

fingerprint = device.capture_image(0)
fingerprint = fingerprint.binarize() // optional

A file in your /tmp folder should appear. This is not fingerprint data that can be read by the library, but merely a graphical representation.

To get the actual, comparable fingerprint data, the following commands are needed:

(fingerprint, image) = device.enroll_finger()
fingerprint = fprint.PrintData.from_data(

From what I understand about this is that the fingerprint is converted into machine-readable data from predetermined points on the print, and then the data saved to memory.

Actually comparing fingerprints require the following commands:

(result, img) = dev.verify_finger(print_data)

Where result is either true or false depending on whether the fingerprint was previously enrolled or not.

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