Raspberry Pi – A Thing on the Internet

Imagine having a computer that could fit in the palm of your hand. Granted, it won’t be very fun to use as a workstation, but having a portable, programmable processor with an internet connection does have it’s applications.

The model I have is the 2B – the latest at the time with a whopping 1GB of RAM, and four 900MHz cores of fury. It boasts a native HDMI connection, a microSD slot, four USB ports, serial pins, and a myriad of other goodies that are all compacted and powered by a 12v 5A microUSB plug.

Installed on it is the June 2018 version of Raspbian: a raspberry-specific distribution of Debian, and right after a fresh install (and connecting the prerequisite hardware), you’re greeted with a friendly-looking desktop with a dialog box showing you a first-time setup wizard.

Completing the steps, I proceeded to open up the settings and enable a few options that allows for headless (remote) operation.

Using the Preferences->Raspberry Pi Configuration window allows you to easily enable different ways of connecting to your microcomputer: SSH and VNC being easy and convenient.

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